iAM4Management provides IT Managers with the information needed to manage and control development
and maintenance projects throughout the entire application lifecycle.
» Complete integration to Change Management
» Workflow management including e-mails confirmation
» Timesheets
» Customer-defined values (drop-downs, check boxes, text, dates, employees, and so on)
» Customer-defined reports for auditors
» Customer-defined reports for managers
» E-mail templates and mailing lists
» Ability to download to Excel
iAM4Management Task/Project details include non-technical information required to manage and control project activities and the exchange of information between all individuals working on a project.
All of this non-technical information is entirely Customer-defined. Customers can define their own personalised screens and reports based on their own drop downs, check boxes, dates, numbers, names of individuals and other values required to adequatly manage the project. These Customer-defined values can be updated either manually by IT Managers or automatically by iAM for Development.
As exchanging information is one of the most important parts of managing projects, iAM4Management integrates completely each step of the entire project workflow. E-mails can be either manually or automatically sent each time a step is started, changed or completed. Customers can define their own e-mail templates and mailing lists which are automatically converted to related project values when an e-mail is sent. iAM4Management is completely integrated to MicroSoft Office Outlook, Lotus Notes and System i mail messaging systems.
» Complete integration to Change Management
» Workflow management including e-mails confirmation
» Timesheets
» Customer-defined values (drop-downs, check boxes, text, dates, employees, and so on)
» Customer-defined reports for auditors
» Customer-defined reports for managers
» E-mail templates and mailing lists
» Ability to download to Excel
iAM4Management Task/Project details include non-technical information required to manage and control project activities and the exchange of information between all individuals working on a project.
All of this non-technical information is entirely Customer-defined. Customers can define their own personalised screens and reports based on their own drop downs, check boxes, dates, numbers, names of individuals and other values required to adequatly manage the project. These Customer-defined values can be updated either manually by IT Managers or automatically by iAM for Development.
As exchanging information is one of the most important parts of managing projects, iAM4Management integrates completely each step of the entire project workflow. E-mails can be either manually or automatically sent each time a step is started, changed or completed. Customers can define their own e-mail templates and mailing lists which are automatically converted to related project values when an e-mail is sent. iAM4Management is completely integrated to MicroSoft Office Outlook, Lotus Notes and System i mail messaging systems.
for Management -
for Management -
Customers can define their own personalised screens and reports based on their own drop downs,
check boxes, dates, amounts, numbers, names of individuals and other values required to adequatly
manage the project. iAM4Management allows Customers to specify default value, screen label, report
column heading and other details required to manage these tables. Customers can specify drop
down values and the order in which they should be displayed. And each time a value is changed for
a specific project, an e-mail can be sent to a specific list of individuals.
Customer-defined values can be used to design maintenance screens (forms) allowing authorised users to view and/or manage values for each project.
Customer-defined values can be used to design maintenance screens (forms) allowing authorised users to view and/or manage values for each project.
These Customer-defined values can also be used to design an unlimited number of Customer-defined
For each report, iAM4Management allows Customers to specify:
» Selection criterias: Up to 5 types can be specified. For example Date range, drop down specific value(s), ...
» Summary: Summary information can be displayed (optional) for each report.
• Count
• Sorting sequence
• Sort Order
• Total
Details: Columns to be displayed: Up to 60 columns can be added to each report.
All reports can also be downloaded to Excel.
For each report, iAM4Management allows Customers to specify:
» Selection criterias: Up to 5 types can be specified. For example Date range, drop down specific value(s), ...
» Summary: Summary information can be displayed (optional) for each report.
• Count
• Sorting sequence
• Sort Order
• Total
Details: Columns to be displayed: Up to 60 columns can be added to each report.
All reports can also be downloaded to Excel.
Timesheet details include:
» Date and Time period (Customer-defined)
» Task/Project number
» Activity (Cutomer-defined)
» Hours
» Comments
Once locked, hours are automatically reported to iAM special values and available in all Customer-defined reports.
Timesheets History is available by:
» Task/Project
» User
» Activity
» Time Period - Date range
» Date and Time period (Customer-defined)
» Task/Project number
» Activity (Cutomer-defined)
» Hours
» Comments
Once locked, hours are automatically reported to iAM special values and available in all Customer-defined reports.
Timesheets History is available by:
» Task/Project
» User
» Activity
» Time Period - Date range
As exchanging information is one of the most important parts of managing projects, iAM4Management
integrates completely each step of the entire project workflow. E-mails can be either manually or
automatically sent each time a step or activity is started, changed or completed. Customers can define
their own e-mail templates and mailing lists which are automatically converted to related project values
when an e-mail is sent. iAM4Management is completely integrated to MicroSoft Office Outlook, Lotus
Notes and System i mail messaging systems.
iAM4Management Mailing Lists are mailing lists as known in Outlook or Lotus Notes with the addition that they accept dynamic values. These dynamc values are linked to table type iAM values - Individual (Project Manager, Tester 1, Tesster 2, Analyst, End User, ...). At the time a user request to send an email, iAM4Management will convert related project table values to the actual individuals' e-mail address.
iAM4Management E-mail Templates allows Customers to link templates to their project workflow and iAM4Management Task/Project values. When a User request to send an e-mail, iAM4Management will convert related Task/Project values to the actual e-mail subject and text. An unlimited of Email Templates can be defined.
When a User request to send an e-mail, he/she only needs to select appropriate Task/Project, e-mail template and mailing list. iAM4Management will convert related iAM4Management Task/Project values and generate the actual e-mail mailing list, subject and text. Attachments can also be added to e-mails.
Complete E-mail History including options like Reply, Reply to All and Forward with the possibility of selecting new e-mail template and mailing list, and view attachments.
iAM4Management Mailing Lists are mailing lists as known in Outlook or Lotus Notes with the addition that they accept dynamic values. These dynamc values are linked to table type iAM values - Individual (Project Manager, Tester 1, Tesster 2, Analyst, End User, ...). At the time a user request to send an email, iAM4Management will convert related project table values to the actual individuals' e-mail address.
iAM4Management E-mail Templates allows Customers to link templates to their project workflow and iAM4Management Task/Project values. When a User request to send an e-mail, iAM4Management will convert related Task/Project values to the actual e-mail subject and text. An unlimited of Email Templates can be defined.
When a User request to send an e-mail, he/she only needs to select appropriate Task/Project, e-mail template and mailing list. iAM4Management will convert related iAM4Management Task/Project values and generate the actual e-mail mailing list, subject and text. Attachments can also be added to e-mails.
Complete E-mail History including options like Reply, Reply to All and Forward with the possibility of selecting new e-mail template and mailing list, and view attachments.